In this newletter we included an invitation to upcoming events, our next meeting, intro to our new leaders, volunteer opportunties and events that are happening in our area. |
You're Invited to our Upcoming Meeting
When: Thursday, February 2nd at 6:30 pm
Where: In-person and Virtual
- In-person: Franklin Public Library
- Virtual: Please email FranklinLGBTQAlliance@gmail.com if you would like to attend via Zoom.
After our business meeting we will be painting rocks for Franklin's 'Kindness Rocks' initiative! You can find more information here: Wicked Local article
Please help us make plans for future events and volunteer opportunities by taking our amazing survey. It should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. |
Join us at the Franklin Public Library for their monthly game night. All are welcome to come and play cards/dice/board games!
We want to make this a safe, fun, inviting event monthly and the more people that join the more games we can play.
Tuesday, January 17th, 6:30-8 PM
Let's play some GAYmes y'all :) |
Escape into Fiction
LGBTQIA+ Middle and High Schoolers
Thursday, January 26th @ 6:00 pm
Location: Escape into Fiction
(12 Main St, Franklin)
And... stay tuned for our Feburary LGBTQ book club that we are co-hosting with Escape into Fiction! More details will be posted on our FB page soon.
"Non-Scene" Friends (LGBTQ+) Event: Level99 Outing!
Sunday, January 29th @ 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Location: 1235 Worcester St, Suite 300, Natick
Please register on MeetUp.
Fun Adventures + New Friends !
Have you visited level99 in Natick? Let's Meetup and have a fun Sunday at level99 at Natick Mall!
Coming by yourself? Most people do! It's the best way to meet new friends. Level99 is designed for adults and I hope to keep this event adults only.
What is level99? Click here for more info!
Event Info:
Cost: 2 hours - $29.99 or 4 hours - $39.99
Dress Code: Comfortable! There will be quite bit of walking and moving so bring your favorite walking/closed toed shoes!
Parking: There is a lot of parking around. $6 to park at the mall garage for 4 hours or free street parking!
Rainbow Cafés at Local Senior Centers
Tuesday, January 31st, 2022 at 2:30pm
Franklin Senior Center
Are you a member or ally of the LGBTQ+ community?! Come to the Franklin Senior Center to drink coffee, have conversations, and forge friendships! All ages welcome.
More information: Click here for their website or call 508-520-4945
Thursday, February 9th at 2:30pm
Bellingham Senior Center
Are you a member or ally of the LGBTQ+ Community? Come join us like-minded people for coffee, conversation, and friendship on the 2nd Thursday of each month!
Please call to register: 508-533-4588
Click here for their website!
Welcome to our new Alliance leaders! |
Robin Baidya (he/him)
Events Coordinator
I am a data science postdoctoral fellow at the VA Boston Healthcare System, a part of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Before moving to Franklin in 2022, I followed an academic career path in pure mathematics, starting as an undergraduate student at The Ohio State University and continuing as a graduate student at Georgia State University and as a lecturer at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. During this time, I taught 7 mathematics courses, and I helped organize 48 professional development events for STEM student organizations with 38 of these events addressing issues of diversity. I enjoy watching opera, playing chamber music, discussing literature, testing recipes, and making new friends!
Phoebe Thaler (they/she)
Community Outreach Coordinator
Hi, I'm Phoebe! I am an early childhood educator in Milford, teaching adorable one year olds. I am a total history nerd, passionate about social justice and creating community.
I am looking foward to getting more involved locally and meeting more people through this new oppportunity :)
If you are not on our email list, sign up to receive future emails on this Google Form. |
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